Posted on September 22, 2014
Creating Your Online Video Strategy
Developing a web video program or strategy out of thin air can almost seem impossible. People are often overwhelmed, having no idea where to start. Rest assured that Glacial is here to help. Here are our recommendations on how to get started. We recommend beginning with a few questions to get you started down the right path:
Why have a video strategy?
It’s important to define a video strategy for two main reasons: it’ll make your videos more powerful and it’ll help you assess how well they stack up. A strategy won’t hinder your creative process; rather, it will ensure that your videos are as relevant and helpful as possible for your audience.
How do I produce the video?
Do I use my iPhone or a professional solution? How does quality impact my branding? Producing high quality video for everything you need to do can get expensive, so you may need to use multiple approaches. A successful method may incorporate several well-made videos that can be used in well-travelled social sites and other significant audience engagement locations for your practice. For content creation, blog and regular everyday work, you will need a slightly less expensive approach. A small video kit or in office set up will work great.
Where is the video hosted?
These are the three most common scenarios of how and where to host videos.
- Host the video within the website CMS or an internal web server.
- Host with a free video hosting service, such as YouTube or Vimeo.
- Host at a paid video hosting service, such as Wistia.
How do I distribute my web video?
Setting up a YouTube channel is an obvious first place to attract some views. Incorporating these video links into your website will ensure that you get a least some sort of views on the video. Try to use your best video as an engagement object on your homepage if possible. Using email campaigns and social media should also play into your video distribution strategy.
- Using your website to post videos in content
- Sending out email campaigns with your video
- Using social media to post video
- Using a distribution service such as TubeMogul