Posted on September 4, 2015

What Worked Yesterday Will Not Necessarily Work Today, Welcome to the New World of SEO

When it comes to the world of Search Engine Optimization, one thing we know with absolute certainty is that change is inevitable. Strategies that worked well in the past will most likely not provide the same results right now. Glacial Multimedia strives to provide the latest relevant and useful SEO tactics to assist each and every one of our clients in achieving their goals. For some this is a far easier path; for others however, it takes digging a little deeper and paying a little more attention to the details, and mechanics of properly optimizing your website, as well as new exterior factors, for the best results possible.

SEO Infographic

What worked yesterday will not necessarily work today.

Change happens frequently and we try to make all of our adaptations to the latest trends seamless; our adjustments happen in such a way that you, our clients, never feel the impact or even need to know about the constant changes Google offers up. As an example, since January of 2014 there have been 19 significant changes to Google’s search algorithm, each of which required us to adjust the methods by which we optimize your sites for search rankings. It is rare that we feel the need to bring you into the conversation and explain the changes — this, however, is one of those times.

The world of search has changed dramatically in the last few months. Previously paying attention to the technical aspects and the larger picture allowed us to get a website to rank on the first page of Google, with the occasional exception. A few hours of attention a month was usually enough to keep you where you needed to be and our pricing reflected that. Today however the mechanics are no longer enough; in order to maintain top spots simply making sure we have enough keywords organically displayed throughout a site with proper meta descriptions and title tags simply will no longer work for the majority of businesses.

The Technical Aspects of optimizing a website are no longer enough.

You may have noticed that you have fallen out of the local search pack display on the first page of search as Google is now only displaying three listings. Don’t panic – we can still help and we have a plan for you. With Organic SEO and Local Search becoming more and more intertwined, we now need to look at both of these things together and plan accordingly. Some of the many items that now need to be fully paid attention to are:

  • Your online profiles and pages tied to the maps
  • Controlling and optimizing your Google+ pages
  • Review and Reputation Management
  • Consistent brand throughout the web on major third party websites like Yelp, Superpages and Healthgrades
  • A decent link profile
  • Consistent and relevant new content through a blogging system
  • Correctly utilizing your Social Media

What it now takes is a far more detailed and coordinated effort to help rank AND brand your practice. This means that far more attention needs to be paid to your online presence than ever before, and that’s where we come in!

What does this mean for you, and how can we continue to provide the same level of service that you’re used to? Simple. We need to have a detailed conversation regarding where you currently stand and what, if anything, you will need to do to step up and stay in the game. We will soon be reaching out to all of our SEO clients individually, but in the meantime we encourage you to contact us to discuss whether or not your current strategies need to be expanded to improve your SEO standings. Chances are they do, at least a little, and we would like to discuss how best to incorporate the new world of SEO into your practice’s budget and overall marketing plans.