Posted on September 11, 2015

Social Media Optimization: Glacial Multimedia, Inc. Provides More Options Than Ever Before!

Social media is a constantly changing and evolving world and, much like in the world of Search Engine Optimization, what worked yesterday will not necessarily work today. In the beginning, businesses would create a social media account and let it sit there while the Likes/Followers roll in and forget about it. That type of passive strategy doesn’t work anymore. In fact your social media presence now affects your Google ranking and Search Engine Optimization, making it more important than ever before to properly utilize the avenues available to you.

Social Media now affects your Google ranking

With the rise of social media in the business realm, many businesses are now clamoring for attention. With so many businesses creating conversations and content you need to create a reason for people to want to Like/Follow you. You will need to stand out and provide something your audience wouldn’t have been able to have access to otherwise. In a study conducted recently by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, it was determined that on average people have an attention span of 8 seconds. That is 1 second shorter than the attention span of a gold fish! To capture an audience you need to stand out.

To truly excel in social media you will need to provide a variety of content that is both interesting and locally relevant to your practice. This takes careful planning and time, as well as a financial commitment either in the hiring of an outside company or the labor of your own staff.

Your social media presence now affects your Google ranking and Search Engine Optimization, making it more important than ever before to properly utilize.

We have been doing social media for some time now, and throughout the years have come up with interesting campaigns and tactics to jumpstart your social presence and create buzz. Glacial Multimedia, Inc. is proud to announce a NEW Three Tiered system for our Social Media Optimization services!

What does this mean for all our current clients?

The base Social Media Maintenance package we have been offering remains unchanged. We have created two NEW packages that include a ton of extra content designed to help increase your social media presence and assist with Brand recognition by boosting your Likes/Followers. This means we now have more inclusive packages for you to choose from.

All three of the packages offer services that are essential for your success on social media. Your choice on which best suits you depends entirely on how aggressive you would like to be with your online presence.

To learn more about our new social media packages contact us today!